


Control System Fault

“My thermostat “Brand” system isn’t working!” – This is what customers tell us 80% of the time when they are having problems with their unit so lets go through some basic steps to see if we can get you up and going first.

We recommend that you use the following troubleshooting steps first as often these steps will clear many of your systems issues.

(Please ensure that you only do the following steps if they are with in your competency level. If you have any concern about this steps, Please call us assist future.)

1. Walk to your old door unit, there should a large switch beside the unit (isolator) switch this to “off”
2. Walk to your touch panel, control system and check to see that it has powered down and there is no lights, beeps or the panel lights up.
3. If so go to step 6, if not go to step 4.
4. Go to your homes main power board and switch off the “Main power switch” (this is it normally the first switch at the top left of the board) youtube link Switching off unit power,
5. Walk to your touch panel, control system and check to see that it has powered down and there is no lights, beeps or the panel lights up.
6. Leave off for at least 10 minutes.
7. Turn the power back by reversing the steps 1 or 4.
8. Once power has been restored to the system and controls please allow up to 5 minutes and for the system to run through their own test and checks.
9. If the screen does not restart or the same issue is still present, then contact us right away and we can have an expert technician out to you in no time.
– Call – 1300 966 464
– Make an online booking (
– Email us @
To best help you will recommend that you are able to supply the following information.
a. Date of install
b. Air conditioner brand
c. What control system you have? (We often we find pictures are a great help)



MyPlace/MyAir/eZone control system status codes only start with a “AA” you may also find and see UNIT Status or error codes on the screen,
If your unit is in fault please contact us to book in a service call from one of our technicians.
Some of the MyAir, MyPlace and eZone status codes that you may get.

1. There may be a fault with the cable or connections between the built in dictionary and the indoor unit. Check the integrity of all connections and terminations.
2. The indoor unit may still be powering up after a power cut or after resetting the system using the isolator. Some units require considerably longer to start up than others, and during this time, they will not communicate with the dictionary. This is interpreted as a connection issue and in this case, will resolve within a few minutes and the error will disappear enabling the system to operate correctly. We suggest waiting 5 minutes after the system has been reset to allow for the unit and AA system to configure.
3. Samsung units require the Samsung controller to be connected for initial start-up. Even though there are no function settings to be altered, the system will not start-up and operate correctly until it has been run with the Samsung Controller. Once this has been completed, turn off the isolator before disconnecting the Samsung Controller and connecting the Advantage Air electronics instead.

“Slave Unit Detected. Remove unit manufacturer’s controller.”
1. The unit manufacturer’s controller cannot be connected at the same time as the Advantage Air electronics.
2. If this error appears after the initial install and it is connected to a Panasonic unit. Please contact the Tech Desk for more information.

“System Control Box not connected to Dict, Dict2 or CABLE SAM. Check connections and reset isolator.”
This warning is generated when the Control Box is not able to detect the integrated integration module (separate dictionary or built in).
1. Older DICT1 dictionaries (cream coloured din rail style) are powered by the indoor board, and therefore won’t be detected by the control box if there is a bad connection either on the indoor unit connections or the connections on the Control Box side of the dictionary. So don’t be fooled by any LEDs that are on in the dictionary. It doesn’t mean that it has a satisfactory connection to the control box as the LEDs will light even when only connected to the indoor unit. Check all the connections between the indoor unit, dictionary and the control box. Samsung integration has no Dictionary and the cable connects directly between the DICT1 SAMSUNG LINK S connector on the same side as the beige cables, and the indoor board. Newer dictionaries (DICT2) are connected using a data cable via the RJ45 socket next to the POWER SUPPLY connector. They are a black square module approximately the same size as a stack of 5 CD cases. Check the data cable connections and ensure properly clicked in to the sockets at both ends.
2. Samsung units require the Samsung controller to be connected for initial start-up. Even though there are no function settings to be altered, the system will not start-up and operate correctly until it has been run with the Samsung Controller. Once this has been completed,
turn off the isolator before disconnecting the Samsung Controller and connecting the Advantage Air electronics instead.

“No Temperature Sensors have been detected. Replace the batteries in your room temperature sensors.”
1. When installing a MyAir 5 or Ezone control system with temperature sensors, you must decide whether the AC unit will respond to the thermostat built into the indoor unit (return air), or the nominated room temperature sensor – “MyZone” (any sensor, but only one at a time).
2. If choosing to use the Room Temperature Sensors remove jumper 5 from the control box, clear window. If the jumper is removed after the controls have been powered up, they will need to be restarted for the change to take effect. The AA4 error warning will remain in place until the first temperature sensor is configured as the AC unit needs at least one temperature sensor to act as a thermostat. The first sensor will automatically become the MyZone and will not be able to be turned off without selecting a new temperature controlled zone to replace it. This is done by pressing and holding the desired zone. This is slightly different from earlier MyAir 3 where the system would default to the touch screen sensor if no MyZone was allocated. This is not possible with MyAir 5 or Ezone because the tablet controller used in MyAir 5 and Ezone is not able to incorporate a temperature sensor.
3. A system can still have temperature sensors installed, and use the return air for the system thermostat, however, the temperature sensors will simply govern the damper operation, and there will be no MyZone feature. This means that the temperature sensors will only prevent rooms from being over conditioned.

“Dipswitches on DICT1 are set as slave.” Change DICT1 to MASTER configuration as per cheat sheet. This only applies to the old cream coloured DIN RAIL dictionary.

System Conflict. Change System ID on aircon control box. (Zone10e error when sensor detected).

Using incompatible old WSW3 on CB7+ (disconnects LMs randomly).

Using old ACUCM (DICT2FS) on CB7+ (disconnects LMs randomly).

Activation code expired – unable to control system.

Future AA codes from CB-future CB7+.

No internet connection – status code shown on TSP.

Server is busy – please try again in a minute – status code shown on TSP.

The TSP is no longer connected to internet – status code shown on TSP.

You need to connect to the TSP on the local Wi-Fi – status code shown on TSP.

xxxxx aaserv CONNECTION unknown error – for example AA24.17002 (record the last 5 digits) – status code shown on TSP. Call Advantage Air 1300 850 191.

Starting up (aaservice remote service) – status code shown on TSP only.

Working (aaservice remote service) – code shown on TSP only.

No internet connection – shown on Apple device.

Server is busy – please try again in a minute – shown on Apple device.

xxxxx aaserv CONNECTION – unknown error shown on Apple device.

No internet connection – shown on Android phone

Server is busy – please try again in a minute – shown on Android phone.

.xxxxx aaserv CONNECTION unknown error – for example AA24.17002 (record the last 5 digits) – shown on Android phone.

Update all TSP apps – status code shown on TSP.

aawaca out of date – update bar shown in TSP MyPlace App – TSP – NOT USED.

TSP MyPlace App out of date – update bar shown in TSP MyPlace App.

Apple App for MyPlace popup – informs customer that they need to update their TSP5 on Google Play using /update2/ –Apple (hardcoded < 11) (/update3/ on next revision).

Android phone App for MyPlace update bar shown – informs customer that they need to update their TSP5 on Google Play using /update3/ – shown on Android phone.

Phone App out of date – popup shown on phone – Apple (not up to date).

Phone App out of date – update bar shown on phone – shown on Android phone.

AA Service has been updated. Must reboot TSP – shown on TSP.

No known information on this code.

Your Apple device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen.
Please try these steps:
1. Check that the apps on your wall mounted touch screen are up to date. You can check this via your Google Play store account on your wall mounted touch screen. (We recommend allowing auto updates).
2. Check your wall mounted touch screen is connected to your local wifi.
3. Connect this mobile device to the same local WiFi and try again.

Your Android device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen.
Please try these steps:
1. Check that the apps on your wall mounted touch screen are up to date. You can check this via your Google Play store account on your wall mounted touch screen. (We recommend allowing auto updates).
2. Check your wall mounted touch screen is connected to your local wifi.
3. Connect this mobile device to the same local WiFi and try again.

There is a communication error between your wall mounted touch screen and the control box.
If you have not done so, please follow the above troubleshooting steps.
Or if the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Communication error.
1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings
2. Please check the network (Wi-Fi) connection on the wall mounted touch screen.
3. Reboot the wall mounted touch screen and your router.
4. Once ready, try reconnecting using the app.

Communication error.
1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings
2. Please check the network (Wi-Fi) connection on the wall mounted touch screen.
3. Reboot the wall mounted touch screen and your router.
4. Once ready, try reconnecting using the app.

No known information on this code.

The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Apple device.
To pair the Apple device with the wall mounted touch screen:
1. Please ensure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
2. Open the app (MyPlace, Ezone or Zone 10e) on the Apple device.
3. Control the system via the app for at least 10 seconds.
4. Disconnect the Apple device from the same Wi-Fi network and test remote access.

The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Android device.
To pair the third party Android device with the wall mounted touch screen:
1. Please ensure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
2. Open the app (MyPlace,Ezone or Zone 10e) on the Android device.
3. Control the system via the app for at least 10 seconds.
4. Disconnect the Android device from the same Wi-Fi network and test remote access.

The Advantage app on your Apple device has detected a new system.
If the if you have more than one system, follow the below steps:
1. Head to settings on the Apple device
2. Scroll down until you see MyPlace. Press on the appropriate app.
3. At the bottom of the screen interact with the toggle bar to change the
app from single system to multiple systems.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

No known information on this code.

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Advantage Air Controller Errors, However, Advantage air have several different control systems in the market, here is some of the errors you may find.

Advantage Air Controller errors and problems we run into

  • Control Air/ Control Air Platinum pic of wall sensor
  • All the wall sensor red light are solid
  • Flashing red light “ Three fast, three slow”
  • No lights on the control
  • Lights on controller flashing
  • Not selecting communications
  • Zone motor faulty
  • Replace battery’s in wall sensor
  • Reset touch panel – not able to communicate

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